Prepared by Michael Moulton, CRS

The following statistical data is from information provided through the Multiple Listing Service of the Sarasota Association of Realtors. The following table summarizes what happened in each price segment. The Sold m, Pending m and Listings m columns are sales and listings for the month of the report and the Pending and Listings are the current totals of each in the MLS system. The Sold a column is the total sales for 2010 year to date, the Sold b is the closed sales year to date in 2009 and the Sold c column are the closed sales for the total 2009 year in each price category. The Listing ’09 column shows the # of listings for each price category at the end of 2009.

Houses                Sold m   Sold a  Sold b  Sold c  Pend m   Pend    List m    List     List ‘09

$250k & under       241      2158        1750     3055      204           822       213       1202     1323

$250k to $500k       58        693         541       958        49         227       123         747       938

$500k to $750k       23        173         155       273        20          70          41         319       363

$750k to $1m            9         81           44          87         6           29          18         207       244

$1m to $2m              9         77           65        106         5           24          19         275       355

$2m & above            4         28           26          43         3           13            7         196       261

Totals                     344      3210       2581      4522     287       1245       421       2946      3484

Condominiums  Sold m   Sold a   Sold b  Sold c  Pend m   Pend     List m    List     List ‘09

$250k & under      127      1135        809       1431      74           408            178       1064     1204

$250k to $500k      27        346         262        474       17            69           50         643      700

$500k to $750k     10         126          93         163        3             29           23         273      326

$750k to $1m         2 50           35          65        5             16             6         108      160

$1m to $2m           6 49           29          60        0               7             9         129      161

$2m & above          1            17          10          20         0              2             5           64        89

Totals                    173       1723      1238      2213      99           531          271      2281   2640

Grand Totals      517       4933      3819      6735      386       1776         692       5227    6124

66% of the months sales were single family homes and 34% were condominiums which is the typical monthly ratio. Of the total monthly sales 71% were properties that sold for $250,000 or less, 16% were sold for between $250,000 and $500,000, 8% sold for between $500,000 and $1,000,000 and 5% sold for over $1,000,000. The current listing inventory is 15% less then where it was at the end of 2009.

As the statistics relate to listed properties vs. sold properties we have 10 months of inventory overall based on the July closings. Based on the July closings there 8 months of inventory for properties listed under $500,000 compared with 10 months at the beginning of 2010, in the price bracket of $500,000 to $1,000,000 there is 20 months of inventory down from 22 months at the end of 2009 and over $1,000,000 there is 33 months of inventory based on the July closed sales. There are 563 less listings then the end of June. The months of available inventory does vary greatly on a month to month basis based on that months closed sales. Six months of inventory is considered a neutral market meaning it is neither a buyers or sellers market.


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